WonderCon@Home 2021: Invincible Panel Recap



The promotion of Amazon Prime’s new adult animated series, Invincible has been top-notch. The show boasts one of the finest Twitter accounts currently out there. Even better is the face of Invincible happens to be one of the most likeable figures in comic books and television with creator Robert Kirkman.  

The everyman writer has been on a promotional rampage for his latest darling. Rightfully considering the number of years and amount of energy the man has poured into developing Invincible from conception to a cross-media franchise.

Even though the series has released its first few episodes, Kirkman is not taking a break. In fact, he seems almost more excited to discuss the project now that he has fewer spoilers to worry about. Making WonderCon 2021 a perfect place for the more relaxed creator to share insights on his baby.

With Covid-19 a continued concern, Anaheim’s WonderCon has gone completely digital for the second year running. A blessing for fans not in California who can now experience amazing panels from the comfort of their own home.

The Invincible panel, moderated by Amy Dallen has Kirkman reunited with Walking Dead stars Lauren Cohan, Lennie James, and a surprise appearance from Ross Marquand. All who can openly share about their experience on Invincible in a spoiler-filled discussion.

Warning: The panel and this recap are full of spoilers for the first three episodes of Invincible available now on Amazon Prime Video. If you have not watched those episodes, save yourself the surprises.

The recognizable voice-over artists are a strange crew to assemble for a panel about Invincible, considering none of them has made it past the first episode. However, there is a reunion energy, much like how the show brought together many of the castmates of The Walking Dead in assembling the in-universe version of the Justice League, the Guardians of the Globe.

All three actors reminisce about their short time in 2019 recording for Invincible. Each of them as surprised as the other to find their characters in the circumstances they were in at the conclusion of the first episode. But they are equally proud to be a part of this world and represent strong characters like War Woman, Darkwing, and The Immortal.

As exciting as the reunion is, the true treasure in the panel was being able to hear Kirkman speak openly about the big reveals at the beginning of the series.

For one, Kirkman, and everybody else involved has been pushing the fact that Invincible is going to be gory and brutal. And we found out early why, when the first episode ends in one of the most gut-turning scenes. However, the creator warns that we have only seen the tip of the iceberg and to prepare ourselves for some heavy violence.

But one of the biggest questions the fans of the source material have had has to do with plotting. The original comic book run reserved the massive twist of Omni-Man’s allegiances until much more of the world was established. Kirkman addresses this by admitting that this could be considered a “failing” of the comic run. The fresh adaptation has given him a chance to right that wrong and get fans hooked much sooner.

Additionally, the long-time show writer has found personal growth in adapting his own work. Saying that his experience on The Walking Dead television series was much more naïve than what he is accomplishing now. With less urge to change storylines and character arcs completely, Invincible stays much truer to the source material – aside from some tactful manoeuvring.

For all these insights and more, you can watch the full WonderCon@Home Invincible panel on YouTube or the conventions official website.

Invincible is currently airing on Amazon Prime Video. The first four episodes of the eight-episode season are available now, with a new edition added each Friday.