Wanna save Futurama?? Sign this petition (or a bunch of others)

Wanna save Futurama?? Sign this petition (or a bunch of others)!



It wasn’t long after we heard about Futurama’cancellation that we heard of a new petition where the organizers sought to get the show back in some way shape or form with an eighth season. Organized by Gordon Yarley, the petition is up now and it needs 10,000 signatures in order for it to be considered a success. That said, despite the fact that the petition is addressed to Comedy Central and Netflix, there’s no word on what the end game is for the petition in terms of whether or not the show would come back in any way. That said, this is a democracy and we want Futurama so why no have your voice be heard?? You can vote at this petition or at the 100’s of others that are floating around out there.