
Review: Robot Chicken – “DC Comics Special II: Villains In Paradise!”

Let’s paint a mental picture before I dive into the #RCDCVIP review, shall we? Achille$, Gonzo Green and myself have a pretty sizable beer buzz at New York Comic Con. I’m eating pulled pork and mac & cheese out of a waffle cone. We’ve just witnessed a life-sized mech walk up and stand before the Robot Chicken panel. Nothing in the world could prepare me for this moment. I was truly living the dream. Then Seth and the rest of the panel start talking about the Robot Chicken DC Special that would be coming out in April. And as is usual with the Robot Chicken crew, they’ve brought surprises. The entire crowd was treated to a partially animated cut of Batman and Green Lantern flying through the sky with Batman in a sailboat. The scene was enticing enough to have John Blabber and myself look at each other with mouths agape. Then I locked eyes with that soulless mech and was quickly brought back to reality. The DC special part two was real and it was shaping up to be another instant classic. And now we flash forward to last night. The premier.

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We Get the Secret Recipe of ‘Bob’s Burgers’ success straight from the cooks!

At New York 2013, Gonzo had a chance to sit in a rather stellar Q & A with the cast and crew of FOX’s animated pearl…Bob’s Burgers. After the jump find out what ingredients are needed in making the show and we’ll give you a hint…it isn’t two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.

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