Drawn Together

Top 10 Animated Films Adapted from a TV Series

What would you do if you created a popular adult animated show and you wanted to tell bigger stories and make more money?  Of course, you release a movie.  Having a film as part of your series is a sign of success these days.  What would have once been considered doomed to fail, has now become a trend, which is probably why it took The Simpsons nearly 20 years to release a big budget film.  So, while we wait, and wait, and wait some more for news about the Bob’s Burgers Movie that will blow our minds in 2020- or, what we all really want, a Rick and Morty film- we thought we would take a look back at ten of the best movies based on an animated TV series.  Counting Down:

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DVD Preview: Drawn Together “The Complete Collection”

It’s DRAWN TOGETHER, the show that finally answers the question which has plagued mankind since the beginning of time and stuff: Can cartoon characters coexist peacefully? DRAWN TOGETHER, TV’s first animated reality show, follows the exploits of eight character from across the animated universe living together in a house with a thousand cameras and unlimited access to booze, hot tubs and hand grenades.

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Here’s A List Of The 11 Grossest Fat F*cks In Adult Animated History

Hey look, everyone gets a little soggy from time to time, but what’s great about adult animation is when the producers of TV shows make characters so fat and gross you wonder how they’re alive. Now, don’t confuse this piece with fat-shaming, that’s not what we’re doing. We’re looking for characters that are slabby fat fucks that gorge themselves in cartoonish ways that are just not humanly possible. That said, the last decade or so, the concept has really gone wild, and it seems there’s a new entry added every year. Multiple franchises are represented here, but feel free to sound off in the comments below if we’re missing anyone. 

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