Shorts Review: RWBY Chibi Episode 8

At the time of this review, this is surprisingly the longest episode in the series so far. (3 mins and 48 seconds.)

“Pickle Surprise”

It begins with a montage of Ruby attempting to open a jar of pickles and failing hard. 😛


She then decides to get out her Crescent rose weapon and finally breaks it open only to be disappointed when the pickles aren’t the taste she desired.




“Tubby Tummy”

Yang looks into a full body mirror realizing to herself that she could get into shape.

Then it cuts to a short montage of her doing random excersizes intercut with an “Eye of the Tiger”-inspired Rendition of “I Burn” which can be found by clicking here.

As she’s about to get water, she finds Nora casually eating a whole cake and yet somehow maintaining her shape after briefly looking like “Fat Princess“.

And Yang looks with red-eye glowing rage.


“Magnetic Personality”

This skit is broken up into 3 small segments making it the longest within this particular episode.

Phyrra is washing dishes and when Nora out of nowhere says “Hi” to her she freaks out magnetizing Nora in the process saying “I”m sorry!”

In the next one, Team JNPR proceeds to go on a hike only to end up going around in circles due to Jaune not realizing that Phyrra’s powers are disrupting the flow of the Compass and it saying “Sorry” Afterwards.

Phyrra relaxes on her bed practicing her magnetism powers and experiences a jump scare where she breaks her concentration stabbing the light in their room.

Jaune then asks if she could help them look through a stack of VHS tapes and apprehensively it looks like Phyrra doesn’t want to and the skit abruptly stops there. (If you know anything about how VHS tapes work, magnetic energy can erase them.)

Note: For future reference: Startling someone with vast magnetic powers is a recipe for either hilarity or disaster. Or both!

Seriously, though, the magnet jokes continue the trend of Chibi grabbing at low-hanging fruit, but in this case I’m entirely okay with it because Pyrrha is cute.


“Going Down”

Team RWBY at first says they want to take an elevator to a courtyard.

As they enter the elevator, Ruby finds a lot of buttons with words on them and one of them to an oddly specific place that says “Super Secret Vault, Do Not Enter”.

Ruby ends up pressing the button out of curiousity and As they open they see the “Inner-Circle“‘s underground chamber from Volume/Season 3 That was introduced in the Rwby Vol.3 Episode “Fall“.

They see the Shopkeeper doing janitorial stuff in this long dark foreboding hall and decide not to go any further and press and elevator button back up.

If you’ve followed the series, The Chamber was designed to put what was left of the fall maiden in a life-support Stasis pod of sorts after she was nearly killed by Cinder.


Seriously Ozpin, if you have a labeled button for the “super secret vault” in your elevator it’s not going to be super-secret for very long.

No voice performances from Weiss, or Blake But that’s forgivable since Team JNPR needed some fun moments of their own.

Best Sketch: “Magnetic Personality”

Worst Sketch:“Pickle Suprise”