Shorts Review: The Line – Episode 1 – Plane Driver

Screenshot 2014-08-25 at 10.29.30 AM

Spoilers Below

The Line is a new pilot from Bite on Mondo revolving around a newly-hired security guard at an airport.  This guard was at one time a cop until he was discharged stemming from some allegations of abuse. During the course of the episode, we meet his new co-workers, the resident prisoner, and he even gets a little bit of action on his first day. And yea, even though we are dealing with a rookie, he certainly shows his experience in being able to deflate complicated situations.

Overall, the short is pretty funny, and certainly lends itself to a premise that could be a lot of fun. I mean, being a security guard at a high volume airport gives us a wealth of possibilities, and mix that with a bunch of characters all of whom have rather interesting backgrounds, the show has potential. I would certainly watch an order of 10 of this series.
