Shorts Review: @FlashGitzAnims’ “Super Future”



I can not stand anything robot movies nowadays. Each one that comes out is more terrible than the last including Transformers, Real Steel, and even that Pacific Rim movie looked lame as hell. Wanna know why? NONE of them…and I mean NONE of them featured robots with Hello Kitty-inspired decals on their helmets. And even if those movies RIGHT now were to fix that, I don’t think they could make it as funny as this series called Super Future. Yes, the title of the show is rather generic, but the show itself is anything but. Featuring Sea Bass and Carson two pink robots set in the year 2358 where the internet is just every day life and books are just trying to stay relevant.

The look of the characters, the settings, and the overall presentation of the show is rather awesome, but the real winning ingredients here are the hysterically written dialogue and awesome character development. From a legion of Wikis, to stupid college kids, and then my PERSONAL favorite character is Dictionary Man as he harasses his enemies with descriptive one-liners that had me literally punching my desk laughing.

Watch this right now, do NOT wait until tomorrow because we may not have one…

9.5 out of 10