Shorts Review: Don’t Feed the Humans ”Mating Call”


Spoilers Below

Welcome to a universe where humans live in public exhibits for the entertainment of aliens. Unfortunately for us, aliens have a business to run so they pretty much force a couple of the human ‘subjects’ to have sex with each other in an attempt to drive up revenue. It works great, but now that the aliens require a daily mating call, it will be interesting to see who steps up to ‘bat’.

And yea, Bite on Mondo has another hit on its hands. This one may be the most TV Show-ready in that I could see 13 episodes of this being picked up by Adult Swim or Comedy Central no questions asked. Don’t Feed the Humans certainly spawns from that same similar genius in which Rick and Morty derives from, and I want more. This is the best animated short I’ve seen all year.

Watch it here.

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