Episode Synopsis: Randall gets jealous when Mark befriends a new zombie who followed a beloved pop star’s lead in joining the ranks of the living dead. Original Air Date: Apr 11, 2012


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Lady Hoo-Haa is a crazy popular zombie so much so that everyone in NYC wants to be zombies much to the chagrin of Callie who sends Grimes to try and make her STOP the spread of zombie-ism, but instead Grimes gets a job as Hoo-haa’s new dance coach. . Back at DOI we meet a new zombie named Carl who is introduced as Mark’s new patient. Mark’s job is to try and integrate Carl into the workforce but when he tries to turn to Randall for help, his jealousy becomes apparent and just makes things worse. Turns out, Carl isn’t whom he seems and even gives the camera a maniacal laugh…MWAHAHAHAHAAH

When it comes to movies, Carl and Mark have a lot in common, way more than they expected but Randall notices something’s a little off about Carl. Eventually, Carl invites Mark out to his board to go fishing, and then Grimes quits DOI because he thinks a bird is Lady Hoo-haa due to a terrible head injury. The only thing worse than a head injury, is attempted murder which is what happens when Carl throws Mark off his fishing boat! Why you ask? Turns out Carl was a disgruntled reject of Randall’s casting call for a new roommate, but when Mark comes back with a newly healed Grimes, Carl gets lugged away to Riker’s Island.

I’ll be careful not to talk smack about Lady Gaga in fear of being reprimanded by her little ‘monsters’. Instead I’ll talk about this week’s episode that featured real monsters, as I thought Dan Fogler as Carl was the best guest star this season by a mile. As a matter of fact I hope we see Carl again because he fit the cast perfectly, as his banter with Mark about their love of Cusack and Tyler Perry was utterly priceless. The one downfall with this week’s episode was that the B-plot with Grimes was ehhh. As it didn’t really do anything to enhance the first story and didn’t make much of a dent to help set itself apart. I would’ve like to see a little more of Lady Hoo-haa to really turn this one loose but overall a solid week from the Fugly crowd.