Review: The Simpsons “Welcome To The Club”


At first dead set on becoming a Disney princess, Lisa Simpson gets a song from the Disney villains that may or may not convince her that being bad may be way better.

Our Take

The late Pat Carroll is spinning in her grave for this one. Yes, we get another Tom Hiddleston cameo, but really this short is quite skippable. The song, while containing some funny lyrics, abruptly ends and really features no resolve to the initial bit the producers were trying to pull off with Lisa. As cool as it was to see The Simpsons again after several months off, the shorts are starting to irk me a bit in their execution.

To be fair, I’m willing to bet some of this is more having to do with Disney having silly deadlines and the producers of The Simpsons having to do their best with the time they are allotted. But, shit, if you’re gonna sell out at least go the Rick and Morty route and keep the soul that is the franchise of the series, not crap like this.