Spoilers Below

The Bad News Pears led by Mr. Orange are an embarrassment to bowling at the store, and no matter how much he practices, Orange just isn’t big enough to knock down a bunch of milk jars in order to take down the King Pins led by Grapefruit. To hopefully get a good coach, Orange gets new management from Grandpa Lemon( why would a bowler need a manager?) to help show him the ways of the warrior. At first the training consists of Orange just tooth-brushing calluses off of Lemon’s skin, but eventually Orange does get a few pointers and is able to take out a bunch of the regional teams until Orange and the gang work their way up the chain and make it to the championship round. Turns out all that callus brushing paid off because that gave the Bad News Pears the edge they needed to get the victory!

DING DONG WITCH IS DEAD, WHICH OLD WITCH?? THE WICKED WITCH!! That’s right, NO MORE NERVILLE!! Well at least just for this episode and hopefully continues for the rest of my life. Other than that, this week’s episode of orange was rather ordinary, granted the bowling matches themselves were rather entertaining with the smack talk but other than that we had a montage and a rehashing of the callus joke. The real story??? NO MORE NERVILLE!!!