Review: SuperMansion ‘They Shoot Omega Pets, Don’t They?’

SuperMansion S1E2

Spoilers Below:

Titanium Rex’s old superhero friend, Omega Ted, was found dead, and bequeathed his talking Omega pets to the league. However, Rex was more focused on investigating his colleague’s death and took for Antarctica, suspecting an old foe named Frau Mantis was responsible.

Meanwhile, JewBot was getting worn down by his dog, Brad’s mini-horse was turning their relationship into an abusive & controlling one, and Cooch’s squirrel was physically controlling her, Ratatouille-style. Black Saturn was upset about not getting one of the pets, and sought an animal with powers for himself, eventually obtaining a mysterious pig under shady circumstances.

At Omega Ted’s former HQ, Rex discovered the animals were actually responsible for Ted’s murder, and headed back to the mansion to warn the league. However, they and their new pets were already off fighting the Iron Brain(s). After a lengthy battle that saw the Iron Brains switching sides on account of discovering the Omega Pets’ abusive treatment of the humans, the pig ended up being the most powerful animal, and saved the day.

After the excitement died down, American Ranger forgave Titanium Rex after he realized he was a true friend. Little did Ranger know that Rex was sleeping with his wife.

In Case You Missed It:

1) Valid point: “You hadn’t spoken to your ‘good friend’ in 40 years?”

2) Omega Pets: Ganky the Omega mini-horse, Chet the Omega dog, and Buster Nut the Omega squirrel.

3) JewBot, on the possibility of giving the pets back: “Will prepared by Freiberg, Goldberg, Greenberg, and Vanberg. Yeah, that’s going to be airtight.”

4) American Ranger said he was “raised in a time when we drank our cocaine from a can.”

5) “Oh, Brad, you silly little fool. You made up your mind five seconds ago.”

Considering the fact that SuperMansion’s pilot was written over two years ago, I wasn’t sure what to expect quality-wise from these new episodes. Thankfully, the show proved it wasn’t a fluke.

The characters, the strength of the show, were once again on point, with everyone getting in on the fun. JewBot continues to be one of my favorite characters with his dry delivery of lines, we saw a more vulnerable side of Brad, and the Cooch was her crazy self while Black Saturn got pissed about something insignificant again. We also got a little more info on the past relationship between Rex and Ranger, making this a solid follow-up installment.

As for humor, they managed to include some good digs at story devices in general, like American Ranger almost flashing back several times (and Rex pointing it out), or Black Saturn having to hurriedly flee a situation and leaving a letter, which was clearly rushed.

The show even managed a hilarious reference (see #5 above) when they spoofed Cranston’s most famous series, Breaking Bad.

It’s also worth mentioning that I love Clark Duke in basically anything (yes, even Hot Tub Time Machine 2), and he was perfectly cast as Gangy.

The biggest achievement for the second episode of any show, is not falling flat on its face after a strong premiere. Although this sophomore installment wasn’t quite as funny as the first, it should give the show (and its viewers) a lot of confidence going forward.
