Review: Squidbillies “The Peep”

While not Batman, this joke was killer.

Spoilers Ahead

A good show does not always rely on its main characters. A good show occasionally utilizes side characters for the main plot. This episode, was the latter. And who else to take the spotlight, than the Sheriff? The Sheriff is one of my favorite side characters because he always means well, but his naivety has gotten him into trouble a handful of times. This time, he’s attempting to come into the spotlight as a comedian.

He’s well, awful. Everyone knows the punchlines as soon as he starts the joke and half of his material ends with him blowing a hole in his head. But does that stop him? Of course not. As I said earlier, he’s so naive that if blowing his brains out the first time doesn’t stop, literally nothing will.

He’s given the advice by the squids to just steal other peoples’ material. He already had nothing going for him, so he gives it a shot (no pun intended). He ends up with another whole in his head and another lesson not completely learned. But what else do you expect?

Great episode. The reoccurring joke involving the name “Emerson” was used just enough so that it didn’t get old and stale, but showed how pathetic the Sheriff’s comedic approach was. I liked the “Weird Al” Yankovic clone, “Strange Al” Spankovic. I’m a sucker for Weird Al, hence my profile pic on this very website, so it pleased me immensely. Seen him in concert twice, and own all of his albums across several different formats. But the question remains, why didn’t they just get Al to do the voice of Al? Al pops up on so many different cartoons these days, and from what I’ve heard, he accepts any minor voice role that is offered to him, so a great opportunity was missed. Anyways, enough about my obsession with the parody God, it was an enjoyable episode that focused on the post pleasant character in the show.
