Spoilers Below

Cartman decides to fly all over the country to election centers ran by elderly people and getting all the ‘warm nuts’ he can muster. Of course one has to wonder, what the fuck is he up to?? Welp, the day after the election we find out Barack Obama has won the Presidential election and Kyle stands behind the candidate no matter what! Turns out all that travelling that Cartman did was him stealing a whole bunch of ballots and Kyle flips out and threatens to tell anyone…which goes according to Cartman’s plan!  The cops come by and even though Cartman puts on a good show they find nothing in his room causing them to leave with Kyle still going nuts. As such, Kyle decides to tell the other kids at school all about what Cartman did only to find out that Butters knows something about it! However, before Butters can say anything he consumes an M&M with an almond thereby knocking himself out.

Meanwhile, we find out that the Chinese had secured Obama’s victory and Cartman is behind it as well. To try and find some answers, Kyle and the gang visit Butters at the hospital who tells them that a big deal is going down at Red Lobster. Turns out that the Chinese won the election in exchange for the rights to produce the next few Star Wars movies via Disney. This is all eloquently explained by one Morgan Freeman who tells that if Cartman doesn’t come up with the missing ballots the Star Wars/China deal won’t go through and Disney will end up making them instead. So what does Cartman want?? He wants to be Luke Skywalker’s son in ALL the sequels!

While the kids are at Cartman’s house searching for the ballots, we get a visit from Mickey the fucking Mouse who shows up in Boba Fett’s ship with a bad attitude. You might ask, where was Cartman when all this was happening?? He’s in Butters’ hospital room where he tells that he has all the ballots stored at a Hummer dealership located across the street from a KFC. Similar to Blockbusterno one really goes to Hummer any more for a car so the ballots should be fine despite the fact that Mickey has deployed the Evil Empire to find them. Eventually, Mickey captures Cartman who makes a deal to put the fat kid in all the Star Wars movies because they can’t possibly get any worse then they already are.

Despite winning a joke contest, Kyle is down about Obama being president and makes his feelings known to Stan. That said, Kyle and Stan see a commercial for the local Hummer dealership where later the kids find the ballots but guess what?? The Chinese are there, too! Better yet, here comes Cartman with the cops now claiming to want to show everyone the stolen ballots. Thankfully, Morgan Freeman is back again to explain what’s going down and eventually Stan sets the ballots on fire letting smoke rise up into the heavens.

Sooo, yea that just happened! With all that was going on with Hurricane Sandy and the Presidential election, people might have forgotten that the fat turd known as George Lucas decided to sell the rights to Disney for about $4B. Thankfully, we have South Park to remind us all of what went down with the help of Morgan Freeman making sure we get every last detail. Les we forget that Mitt Romney was an AFLAC duck and  that we had another episode where the writers give us other companies besides Blockbuster that are long forgotten now including the coincidentally Chinese-owned Hummer. The real attraction for this week’s episode was Mickey Mouse and his evil empire take over of Disney World as he works with Cartman in an effort to make sure his newly acquired licenses don’t get outsourced to China like everything else in exchange for not clearly caring about the brand(yes, we will have a write-up about this next week in regards to the Disney/Lucas buy out and the ramifications).  As such, Matt Stone and Trey Parker remind us of one more thing…they are the best at what they do. South Park has had one crazy fuck of a 16th Season with none of the glitz and glamour that came along with the 15th season like documentaries, 60 Minute specials, or Tony Award ceremonies. Instead, we got right down to brass tax, and South Park quietly put together one of its finest seasons to date. After 16 Seasons, Matt Stone and Trey Parker show NO signs of slowing down and if they keep churning out butter like this then I’m all for it!