Episode Synopsis: Stan organizes an antibullying video when Butters is tormented by an unlikely predator. Original Air Date: Apr 11, 2012


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Stan gets sick of all the bullying that is going on around school because Butter shows up to lunch with a black eye. Turns out the abuse that Butters is going through is because of his grandma smacking the shit out of him.To help combat the spread of bully-ism Mr. Mackey gets bullied by a counselor named Bucky Bailey into holding an assembly to try and teach the kids about why the act of getting picked on is wrong. Stan volunteers to put together a PSA video about why its wrong to pick on other kids, but Kyle things the video is too overproduced to the point that the message of anti-bullying will not get across.

Eventually, the PSA video that Stan made grabs the attention of Hollywood producers, but when Bucky Bailey hears about it he bullies Stan into giving him a cut on the profits. When one of the Hollywood producers hear about this, he ends up bullying Bucky into reneging on his shady deal with Stan. Stan then tries to confront Kyle about him bashing on his premier of the Bullying movie, but when Kyle calls Stan’s bluff the aspiring movie producer shuts the hell up.Eventually Butters and Stan get on the Dr Oz show but Butters snaps and beats the shit out of the host which brings the ire of the movie producers onto Stan. Thankfully, Jesus catches the producer in the bathroom and starts bullying him.

Back in school, Stan gets a bunch of shit from everyone at school because the producers backed out causing him to go to San Diego to jerk off. was wroooooong again! Yesterday in there South Park preview  they were like “this week’s episode was about bullying” which really was only half right. I felt “Butterballs” was more about the hypocrisy of that Bully film which was released in theaters a couple weeks back. I thought Matt and Trey made a great point too, like if the documentary was SO important for everyone to see that Miramax was fighting about the film being rated PG-13, why not release it online for free? Ohhhh that’s right…money. Gotcha, yea no one in upper management Hollywood is all that kind-hearted towards social issues. As it pertains to this episode, it was GREAT seeing Professor Chaos return, and I thought all of the bathroom scenes were really great. I mean who would’ve thought Jesus was a bully? Well, actually if you have ever read the bible you would know that God is a mean son of a bitch.No one likes a bully, but I liked ‘Butterballs’.