Review: South Park “The Big Fix”


Overview (Spoilers Below)

“The Big Fix” refers to the fact that Stan has to “fix” his perception of Tolkien Black’s name being spelled “Tolkien” and not “Token”. That’s right, for all you assholes who thought that the Adrien Beard-voiced character “Token Black” was meant to spelled that way so as to refer to the only black kid on the show as a “token” character, welp, turns out you might be a little bit racist. Stan goes through a lot of trouble of doing just that, but I guess we know these guys are going to be friends forever regardless due to the fact that we got a sneak peek into the future late last year.

Meanwhile, Randy wants to bring on Mr. Black as his financial consultant/partner which, at first, worries the longtime Lord of the Rings fan, but soon warms up to the idea of owning a cannabis business. After a break in the partnership, Mr. Black opens up his own cannabis farm across the street from Randy and now it’s war!

Our Take

In a week where Joe Rogan has been fielding complaints about dropping “N” bombs on his podcast, here comes the original controversy in South Park. “With Apologies to Jessie Jackson” kind of introduced Matt Stone and Trey Parker’s misconceived notions from white people as it pertains to black culture, “The Big Fix” focuses on them just a bit more. It’s an interesting conversation, however, it’s interesting that we really didn’t get a firm grasp on what the “apology tour” should be, and perhaps, maybe even Matt and Trey are wrestling with this as well. Putting the already affluent Black family now right across the street of two of the show’s most important characters maybe kicks off a few weeks of the Black family becoming a much bigger focal point on the show…maybe it’s nothing at all. But, that’s the fun of South Park, you have no idea what is going to come from this show, however, you better pay attention because Matt and Trey have something to say.