Review: Regular Show ‘Party Re-Pete’



Spoilers Below

There’s a big party going down and Benson is dancing up a storm! Turns out he’s in a good mood because he’s chilling with this girl Audrey. The party goes all night and as such this inspires Benson to start a new company called ‘Party Starters’. The park employees go to try and find him but when they get to this office building they get thwarted by security. Rigby decides to call a party hotline where Benson shows up and starts partying like crazy like he doesn’t even know anyone. Even weirder, when Mordecai ends the party, Benson blows up in a puff of smoke! However, Benson had company and the park dudes decide to tail them back to a warehouse where they find Benson inside of a tube. Turns out the security team we saw earlier had trapped Benson so they can clone him and make party animals! The park employees free the other prisoners but before they can escape a big fight ensues. Two of the security guys wield rocket launchers and then Party Pete turns on the crew, but Benson breaks out the soda and causes a big explosion that wipes out the entire warehouse! The cops show up and lay arrests and the guys go off to party.

Look at Benson growing a set, yea? Turning into a party dude and picking up chicks? That said, this week’s episode of Regular Show was a pretty strong effort save for the two security guards who barely got a proper introduction. Having said that this week’s episode had a bunch of laughs topped all by the big huge fight that happened mid-way. Overall, strong episode even if nothing HUGE sticks out.

8 out of 10