Part 1 of 2. Perry disappears when he is zapped by several of Doofenshmirtz’s inventions. Meanwhile, Phineas and Ferb go on an African safari.


Spoilers Below

The Fletchers are going to Africa!!! Yep, and at first Perry has to fake sick to stay behind because the Major had a mission for him, only for it to then be cancelled…for now! Perry actually does make it over to Doof, Inc but only for the great Dr., to go through the normal motions of what just about every Perry Vs Doof goes through and eventually Perry goes back home to stay with Linda’s parents. Unfortunately, what seems to be a stay-cation for Perry actually turns into a nightmare because Doof sets off an ‘Evil-inator’ meant for Major only for the beam to hit Carl.

Doof is actually so confident that he hit the Major, that he thinks he is going to just move his shit all into OWCA and be done with it. Instead, Carl captures both Major and Doof and keeps them locked up in cages. Eventually, Doof gets out and acts as Carl’s intern while Major tries to get a hold of Perry to get on over and help. Thankfully, Major does just that but Doof sets off a number of different “-inators” that zaps Agent P. vaporizing him into thin air.

While in Africa, everyone’s off doing their own thing. Phineas and Ferb & friends build a robot inspired by all the different animals in Africa and have time. However, when Phineas dares to do a big jump in the canyon, Buford grabs the controls and sends the machine tumbling down in the deep caverns below! Candace spends the entire episode looking for a phone to return a call to her boyfriend Jeremy whom basically tells her that the couple is….break….ing…up….Lastly, Linda and Larry had made plans to dine at the most top-end restaurant in Africa, only to find out that the entire restaurant is booked solid! To be continued!!!

Yea, I was quite a bit indifferent about this whole setup. To be fair, the first ten minutes of this episode was incredible. Certainly taking artistic, musical, and setting inspired cues from The Lion King, just with a spin. Just as cool was Doof just running through the normal routines of what his battles with Perry, which if you are anyone like me who watches the show all the time, you probably do the same thing.

However, not everything is all fun and games. After we get from our first commercial break, we get back to friggin back songs, one sung by Phineas the other sung by Carl and both are pretty bad and certainly took away from what the opening act ambience provided. The Agent Perry continued to move well and as a matter of fact brought about it enough turns and twists to keep fans guessing as to what’s going to happen next. That leaves us to two more plots that were introduced. That’s right folks, not only did we have an A and B plot, but we also got C and D plots.

I’m OK with the Flynn/Fletcher dinner date fiasco, that’s a funny one for adults. But, like usual we get a story with Candace that seems so dated and out of place that she should’ve been left home in a ditch or something because she brings no added value to the special. All she did was complain and all that did was take away from the pretty decent foundations laid out by the other characters. With that said, the first part of the special isn’t terrible, but there were a lot of flaws that are JUST keeping it from being special. Here’s hopin’ it gets fixed for Part 2.

(7.0 out of 10)