Review: Interrogator “Famous Last Words”

I can’t believe that we are finally coming to the end of Interrogator‘s run. This feels like the longest 8 episode run of any show ever, The second half definitely got the ball rolling in the right direction, especially “The First Rule.” There needs to be a fantastic setup to set up a great finale. However, does “Famous Last Words” get the job done?

I’m not sure how this happened, but Sortha’s voice during this episode just sounds forced. It’s like we got three steps back from how well Jurgen’s voice actor has portrayed him. And considering that almost the entire episode is Jurgen and Sortha, it gets very grating, very fast. Luckily, there’s only one more episode this season where this is an issue. After that, we’re gone from it until a season 2 comes out.

That said, “Famous Last Words” did not have a lot going on, basically, because it was the set up for the finale. This is the basic, status quo. I’ve gotten spoiled on season structure because of Game of Thrones, mostly because the penultimate episode will be the big banger of the season, and have all of the huge plot points and twists happen, and the finale deals with the aftermath. “Famous Last Words” had one plot point of value, and that was Jurgen’s deal with Adoo. Jurgen’s path of vengence for the death of Bellona, as well as Baldur’s apparent death, will end next week with a final confrontation with Heroth.

Ultimately, I just wish there was something really worth talkng about. There was not a lot going on. That’s not a bad thing, because it does set up the finale. However, there was nothing pushing the envelope, and was ultimately a fluff episode there to fill an episode quota. If there’s no reason to watch an episode, but there wasn’t something that came about that wasn’t egregious one way or another, you know exactly where “Famous Last Words” will fall.