Review: Fish Hooks “Fish Prom”


Spoilers Below

Its prom season and all the kids are pumped! At first, Milo tries to wait it out and have a girl ask HIM to the dance, but eventually all the girls at the school get scooped up leaving him dateless. Thankfully, Randy Pincherson shows up and offers Milo a chance to go to the dance with his date’s sister of whom is labeled the ”ugly” one.  Bea decides to go to the prom with Steve, but the dashing ”catch” gets accidentally thrown in the closet and he has no way of getting out leaving Bea to think she’s been ditched! Oscar’s girl Angela has no interest in going to prom, but her guy convinces her anyway so she shows up with a video game helmet to try and pass the time. This annoys Oscar because he really wanted to have a good time…but with Bea!  Angela storms off crying which leads Oscar to go to the Hokey Diner to find a clearly upset Bea of whom he eventually works up the courage to ask for a dance. Not only does Oscar get the dance, but he gets a good night smooch from Bea with the snake and mouse watching up above. Oscar doesn’t seem to mind either way! Later on in the evening Steve comes out of the closet only for Clamantha to tumble in there with him.

Prom/dance episodes have been done a million times over and some of them have mastered the book on how to make a proper one.  Now given the fact that Fish Hooks is a series set in high school, these guys needed ONE prom episode so it was bound to happen sooner or later. That has me thinking, did the staff no EXACTLY what to do when they knew they were going to do a prom episode? In other words,they knew what they were getting into, and like all great high school shows of yesteryear, they’d be silly not to at least have in the back of their minds that a prom episode was on the way. And these are no ordinary writers either, no these are the Fish Hooks writers so you know as well as I know they do shit differently and in most ways it showed, but this week couldn’t help but be peppered with SOME cliche, right? The heroes win, the selfish students don’t, but in the end the dude gets a kiss. But, what separated this episode from most other shows’ attempts is that this one opened doors to new plot devices that could be used in the next season! Like, Oscar and Bea now being an item, of Angela maybe looking to get payback against her former boyf, and the possibilities are endless here! The Oscar/Bea thing was a big deal, because it wasn’t like in the early The Office episodes where everyone was hoping Jim and Pam would happen due to the constant build up. Nope! Instead this one came out of left field and blind-sided anyone who has been watching this show for a while.

The episode wasn’t perfect as I think the random songs were thrown in there for no apparent reason save for maybe the slow jam near the end. But, overall Fish Hooks definitely adds a new chapter in the lexicon of prom TV.

9 out of 10