Milo’s got flakes, does he use Head & Shoulders??


Spoilers Below

The girls are trying to figure out who should be on the cover of the calendar and Milo is making a case for the honor in place of his brother, Oscar.  However, the next morning a flake peels off Milo’s face causing the wanna be model to freak out! Later at school, Milo is sporting a new band-aid and as such everyone wants to know what happened?? Obviously, Milo isn’t going to tell the truth, so instead he talks up a big game of which apparently included him in a big bad rumble with the lions. However, that soon goes awry as more and more scales continue to fall off Milo’s face which leads him to do some research on the internet where he finds out other fish go through the same thing. Thankfully, the school Dermatologist claims that all teenage fish go through the same thing and that eventually all of his scales will grow back, but Milo wants them to grow back faster. Milo decides to take off and live in a dark castle separated by his friends, but they eventually follow so that they can try and convince him that other teen fish have problems, too and that he shouldn’t worry about his appearance and it doesn’t matter any way because Steve Jackson with his two butts made the cover of the calendar.

A pretty funny episode that has a good moral and outstanding animation direction is usually the M.O. for Fish Hooks and that is certainly put on display here. Milo going to great lengths to conceal his hideousness was hysterical especially the overtly dramatic castle dwelling near the end.  I always give extra points when the show gets gross with the ‘fish fingers’ and what not and this one was no exception, proving once again this show is the closest we may get to a Ren & Stimpy in terms of animation quality for quite some time. Lastly, the show had a nice bow on it helping kids at home who might be struggling with acne, that everyone gets the same shit, and to not panic as it will eventually go away. Put all this together and we’ve got a winner, folks!