Review: Black Dynamite ‘Black Jaws! Or finger Lickin’ Chicken of the Sea’

If this is the last season, then we are in store for the wildest finish we’ve seen in quite a while.

Spoilers Below

There’s a racist shark that only eats black people swimming right offshore, and it causes Richard Nixon wants to have a big beach party with only black people as the attendees so that the shark can buffet like crazy. On the day of the party, the host is really pushing for everyone to just keep swimming in the water as long as they can. And yep…it isn’t long before the shark shows up! Unfortunately, Black Dynamite can’t swim and he has no interest in being in the water. Turns out, whenever Black Dynamite needed to save someone in the water, he always found a way to work around his fear.

Meanwhile, Bullhorn is taking part in a chicken-eating contest with ‘Thick James’ as his main opposition. At first Thick wins, but he dies on the stage of a heart attack as he’s giving his speech, so Bullhorn wins by default.

Nixon is pissed that Black Jaws hadn’t eaten anybody during the course of the party, so he decides to book an Earth, Wind, and Fire concert to try and get black people back in the water. With everyone running towards a show, we meet Captain Quinton, a seasoned sailor that’s looking to find and kill Black Jaws. We find out that Black Jaws has a long history of eating black people, all the way back to the slave-trading days!

After the flashback, Black Jaws shows up and starts going after the concert crowd and decides to snatch Creamed Corn for a later snack. To try and save him, the Captain takes Black Dynamite and Honeybee on a cruise to find their friend and they do so with Thick James as bait! Jaws show up, and Black Dynamite attempts to kick the shit out of the shark but gets knocked out. Honeybee harpoons the shark gets taken for a ride, but it’s Black Dynamite who returns and assists in Black Jaws dying of a heart attack. However, regular Jaws is still alive and well and eating white people plus Nixon isn’t through with his mission in destroying the black population.

Not just because Samuel L. Jackson was a guest star playing as ‘Captain Quinton’, not just because Thick James was the vilest desecration of Rick James I’ve ever seen, and not only because the producers of this series took another iconic movie character and turned it into a racist. The reason why this is so far the best episode of Black Dynamite I’ve seen since last season is because I was literally falling out of my chair laughing at shit.

Richard Nixon is just so out of control that it makes my sides hurt. Just seeing the number of methods he goes through in trying to destroy minorities is just all sorts of wrong, but it just feels so right. I hope we see a lot of him going the rest of the season, but Black Dynamite is making sure that if this is its last season on Adult Swim, then it isn’t going quietly into the night. Carl Jones and crew have put all of the sass that The Boondocks season four didn’t have into season two of Black Dynamite.