@PodcastRT’s Joel might be happy this weekend because an asteroid is on the way



So, not sure if you guys watched/listened to the latest Rooster Teeth Podcast and subsequently the Animated Adventures short that was posted yesterday. In the clip Burnie talks about the one thing that would make Joel happy that being an asteroid heading straight for Earth:

Well guess fucking what??? 18 hours after that clip was posted, Yahoo posts a story that an asteroid about 2 miles wide is expected to head.. straight… for us!!! Actually not quite, the asteroid is set to fly past us but evidently it created quite a commotion because according to the article there’s a bunch of Google+ Hangouts with like Bill Nye and even the White House is gonna do something for it. So, I’ll be curious to hear the next episode to confirm whether or not Joel gets pumped for this sort of shit.

In other Rooster Teeth related news, NEW RED VS BLUE TRAILER!!!!