I guess this made the news yesterday, that Matt Groening revealed that the same hometown that brought us Homer, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie in The Simpsons was inspired by his growing up near Springfield, Oregon according to his interview with Claudia De La Roca. Alternatively, Wikipedia had this same information known on their site for like years so I’m not sure why this was huge. If you think about it, every major animated series in the past 20 years, usually featured hometowns or likenesses to the producer’s background i.e. Seth MacFarlane is from Rhode Island, hence why Family Guy is in Rhode Island, South Park is based in Colorado which is where creators Matt Parker and Trey Stone are from so its not as big of a surprise to me as say TVGuide, Entertainment Weekly, and The Hollywood Reporter. Speaking of TV Guide, they are exclusively reporting that there will be a chalkboard gag on this Sunday night’s all new episode. Also the Vulture has a bunch of pics as to what Portland, Oregon actually looks like.

I actually thought Dan Hopper had a really funny take on this whole fiasco