Exclusive Interview: Space Dandy producer Masahiko Minami




As the creator of America’s newest anime sensation, Space Dandy,  Masahiko Minami certainly shows his fair share grit by premiering Season 2 only a few months after Season 1 celebrated it’s finale. If he wanted to, I’m sure Masahiko could just chill in Bora Bora for a bit, then unload Season 2 next year. Fortunately, for us, that’s nowhere near his style. Read on to see what kind of man we are dealing with here as show creator.

When will we see the “Space Dandy” manga in America? 

Minami: At this moment, we do not have a plan to publish “Space Dandy” in the US. I would be very happy if “Space Dandy” becomes manga in America! Hello publishers, please contact us if you are interested! (laughs)

What led you to create “Space Dandy”? How do you compare it to your other works, like “Cowboy Bebop”, which is regarded as one of the most favorable shows to be imported from Japan?

Minami: It all started from wanting to create a new series with General Director Sinichiro Watanabe. I thought, what type of show I should make with Watanabe, in this modern time? The show should have a lot of opportunities where we can depict all the things we want to express by using anime—beyond genre, no, we thought about creating a show in which the attempt itself— the attempt to create a show through which we can even break the genre—is the challenge. It is not like comparing the show to others, but we wanted to make a show which we can make only at this moment. Same thing can be said to “Cowboy Bebop”.

What can we look forward to from the “Space Dandy” franchise after Season 2? Can we expect an OVA (original video animation) or movie?

Minami: We are in the middle of Season 2 production. We would like to develop a new series, but if we do so, the new “Dandy” series needs to be something that exceeds the current “Dandy”. In order to realize it, we need support from you! Please give us your supports! (laughs)

What was your inspiration to get into anime?

Minami: Since I was student, I was interested in entertainment. I studied at a college of Arts. Through learning various methods of production, I was attracted to the freedom of expression by utilizing anime. So I decided to get into this anime industry.

What would you say has contributed to the latest boom in the anime market in America?

Minami: As a business side of aspect, I have not contributed. Though thinking about the shows I’ve produced such as “The Vision of Escaflowne”, “Cowboy Bebop”, and “Fullmetal Alchemist”, they were well-received and loved by a lot of anime fans outside of Japan. So I think that I contributed as to raise the recognition of Japanese anime outside of Japan.

When you’re not working on Dandy, what do you do on your down time? Is there even down time?

Minami: Being an animation producer occupies almost entire my life, so I do not separate my downtime from uptime. But this job requires stamina, so I try to exercise. When I get a chance, I play sports such as baseball and futsal (five a-side).

How was it possible for “Space Dandy” to premiere in America? Usually shows made in Japan could take a few years for a port to come over to the States.

Minami: From the moment we launched this project, I wanted to broadcast this show in the US simultaneously in Japan. Though, considering it had never been done, you know how difficult it is to make it come true. Thanks to the partners of this “Space Dandy” project including Bandai Visual, FUNimation, and Adult Swim, we all made such a lot of efforts into this project to realize the idea of simultaneous broadcasting. And also, the production team at BONES, we keep working day and night to meet the delivery schedule for the US side to produce English version of the show. Without our teamwork, the idea would have not been realized. I really appreciate them for bringing this wonderful result!

Is “Space Dandy” still hand drawn, or did you adopt a drawing pad for your computer?

Minami: Basically, it is hand drawing, but there are animators who use a drawing pad too. Especially if you look at the action scenes, you see some parts which animation drawn with a drawing pad brought great effects to the show.

Where are you taking Dandy, QT and Meow in Season 2?

Minami: I can not tell you details just yet, but we are preparing interesting settings. Fans won’t be able to wait to see surprises every week! Oh, but the people who cannot wait to see episodes on TV every week the most may be the directors and production team. (laughs)

Was there anything during Season 1 that you wanted to improve or expand on from Season 1 for Season 2?

Minami: In Season 1 episodes, we concentrated on depicting the characters for audience to learn more about them. But when fans watch Season 2 episodes, they already know them and how to enjoy watching “Space Dandy”. So Season 2 episodes will need to have extra boosts from Season 1, and we mean to do it. In that, you will see the big story flow over the entire season.

How has Japan reacted to “Space Dandy”?

Minami: Japanese fans at first hesitated on how to receive the show since there are few series which consist of stand-alone episodes with a comedy touch. As time passed, they began looking forward to see the next episode. Not only anime fans, but also the people who usually do not watch anime started paying attention to “Space Dandy”, which is one of the interesting points of shows directed by General Director Watanabe. In Japan, too, the expectation for Season 2 is high.

There have been a couple Easter eggs paying homage to “Cowboy Bebop”. Is there any chance to get a Space Dandy / Spike Spiegel crossover?

Minami: I think, some elements of the originalities by General Director Watanabe and Scriptwriters Keiko Nobumoto and Dai Sato may give you a feel of “Cowboy Bebop”. The world of “Space Dandy” may be connected to this modern world, the world of “Cowboy Bebop” and also other worlds.

In, “The Lonely Pooch Planet, Baby,” the episode used the real story of Laika, the puppy the Soviet Union launched into space during the space race. What inspired your team to use that? And can we expect anything else coming from our history going forward

Minami: I let Scriptwriter Keiko Nobumoto, who wrote the episode, answer this question. She said, “I just think the Laika dog is cute. There are several different stories that the rocket with the Laika dog exploded, or the Soviet Union retrieved it. But I just thought that the rocket drifted from place to place and I hope the dog is still alive somewhere.”

Space Dandy Season Two premiers July 5th @ Midnight and a half only on Adult Swim. For exclusive stills, check out Bubbleblabber the Mag Issue #3