It’s WEBS DAY!! Duke of Fancy, Apollo Gauntlet and Battlefield Friends!!

We’ve got an all new edition of Web’s Day and this week we’ve got TWO new shows from Rug Burn and then we’ve got an entry from Machinima’s Happy Hour channel. Get it!



Duke of Fancy-Pilot

Starting off this weeks quasi holiday edition of Webs Day is the first episode from RugBurn’s new series “Duke Of Fancy.”  I’m very torn as to how to review this show. On one side of the coin, the animation starts out very basic, it’s incredibly short , it’s black and white and lacks substantial laughs. But on the other side of the coin, once the characters start moving and flying the animation takes off and becomes amazing. Also, the laughs that do stick are freaking hilarious! I could watch an old timey, big wheeled bike run over Tiny Tim for hours and still be satisfied. I’m gonna have to come back to this show after the holiday season to see what it really has to offer.







Apollo Gauntlet

Next up to the plate we’ve got the second episode of another RugBurn series called “Apollo Gauntlet.” I watched this show 10 times, took a break, watched the first episode, then watched this episode 5 more times to try and figure out what the FUCK I just saw! This show lacks in so many areas I really don’t know where to begin. The art leaves a lot to be desired, the sound and voice acting aren’t very good, and there seems to be zero plot. I get the fact that Myles Langlois and co are trying to make a show that is vintage and harkens back to the odd cartoons of the 80’s, but you’re gonna have to do A LOT better than this to impress me. Please try a bit harder and maybe I’ll give you a better rating next time. But until then…

thumbs downthumbs down



Battlefield Friends

Last up on the docket for today is the Season 2 premier of “Battlefield Friends” as seen over at Happy Hour. Pretty much all they did was animate every session of multiplayer I’ve ever played in my entire life. It literally felt like I have lived this exact scenario before. The art, to me, is a bit too CGI for my liking, but the voice acting and sound, however, is spot on! I had a good time watching this show!




Hope you guys have a great Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Festivus/Non-Denominational Buffet. I hope to see you guys Next Webs Day, that is, if I don’t get too wrecked on eggnog!

