English Dub Review: Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games is Tough for Mobs “We Both Hate Hot Guys”


Leon must take Jilk’s place in an air bike race. Meanwhile, tensions build between Angelica and Olivia.

Our Take:

The school festival is coming to a close, but there’s still one event left. There’s an air bike race, which is another big gambling event for the students. Jilk, one of Julius’ cohorts, is one of the odds-on favorites to win. The other one is a guy named Dan Fia Elgar.

Leon bets on Jilk and naturally, Marie is relying on Jilk to win the prize money. Jilk does well in the race, but he ends up getting injured before the final race. It turns out the one behind the ambush is Jilk’s ex-fiancée: Clarice Fia Atlee.

She’s understandably angry with Jilk about calling off their engagement, so she’s doing whatever she can to get back at him. Since Jilk is injured, Leon winds up becoming the replacement. He talks to Dan prior to the race and they realize they both hate Jilk. That being said, they’re still rivals in the race.

Leon ends up winning the race, but not without everyone else trying to take him out. Of course, this only makes the students hate him more, but Leon couldn’t care less. Plus, he and Dan ends up forming an acquaintanceship at the end of the day.

After the race, Jilk owes Leon for taking his place. All Leon wants him to do is apologize to Clarice in person, which he does. Clarice rejects his apology and says she’s done with him. She also shows her appreciation to Leon. It’s nice to see that there are a few students who don’t despise Leon.

Meanwhile, Angie and Livia’s friendship is still a little shaky after what Stephanie said to the them. She finds them during the race and continues to tell Livia that Angie used to hate and denounce commoners. Livia runs off and then Angie starts to fight Stephanie.

I loved seeing Angie slap her in the face, but everything after that was disappointing. The physicality wasn’t animated; it was just still frames with the voices playing over. I feel like that does a scene like this a disservice.

Afterwards, Leon talks to Livia about everything. Livia isn’t sure if she can be friends with Angie, but Leon uses reverse psychology to make her realize their friendship will be just fine.

This is another great episode. I’m enjoying seeing the tension between Angie and Livia, especially since they’re trying to overcome it. I also like how developed Leon has become. He’s a smug prick to a lot of the students, but he’s still very kind. He’s the most well-rounded character the show has to offer and this episode is a great showcase of that.