English Dub Review: Full Dive: This Ultimate Next-Gen Full Dive RPG Is Even Shittier than Real Life! “Living in a Dead Game”



This game can’t be restarted just like real life and Reona won’t give a refund. Luckily, there’s a player named Ginji who also killed the best friend and might have some advice for Hiro. He has to run from Alicia who has awakened to full yandere status. Nothing comes easy in this RPG.

Our Take:

We picked up right where we left off and Hiro is not in a good place. He can’t restart the game, get a different copy, or get his money back because Reona is a master merchant. This game really promotes realism as literally everyone that Hiro runs into likes to point out. From the merchant taking advantage of his wanted status to getting cut on his hand. This game does not hold back in the least.

Remember how I mentioned we only got a sneak peek of Kayli Mills tapping into Alicia’s yandere-ness? Well, this week she fully awakened. I now want Kayli to voice more yandere characters. I think she could give Alexis Tipton and Brina Palencia a run for their money for best yandere depending on how this character pans out.

This episode was a bit weaker to me than the last one but I am still interested. I want to see how he is going to get himself out of this predicament. Ginji, the player that Reona mentioned might help, seems super sleazy. Hiro accidentally killed Martin, the best friend, but Ginji did it just to see if he could. It’s an interesting philosophical thought, like when the NPC’s become “real” isn’t that just murder? Someone like Ginji doesn’t think so but I could see that being a question that gets asked.

We still haven’t touched on whatever trauma Hiro went through to make him focus on only games. In this episode, we only got a little bit of the real world and most of that was his sister complaining about screaming while playing the game. This also points to the realism in the game, apparently some of the things that happen transfer over to real life. Hopefully, death isn’t one of them…

Comedy is going to be this show’s strong point and to be honest this episode wasn’t nearly as funny as something in this genre should be. It had points but it just seems to lean real hard into making the protagonist the butt of all jokes. Which to me gets a bit old. Give the main character a victory here and there. We will see how it progresses.