Comics Review: Rick and Morty #21

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Spoilers Below

Poor Jerry is sick of the way his family treats him in his own home, so he decides to head to Dimension J-19 Zeta 7 to hang out with Doofus Rick. Problem is, in this world, Jerry’s like the President of the World. As a result, Dimension J-Jerry meets with regular Jerry to make a deal for a switcheroo. As a result, Dimension J-Jerry heads to our-verse begins to assimilate himself in his new surroundings….but not before beating the shit out of Rick.

Beth and Summer

You know how Rick is able to drink his way into a stupor ala Popeye and still get the job done? Well, Beth can’t do that and we learn that the hard way here. WHHHOOOPPS!

Our Take

The print version of Rick and Morty is now legal drinking age and you can tell the maturity is right where it needs to be. The comic adaptation of the Adult Swim series continues to show MUCH improvement since getting new producers and this new arc looks really exciting. The crass dialogue needs to up the dosage in the A-story to match the quality that is the B-story, but really a great issue all around and you should make this your first Visa gift card purchase post the holidays.
