Book Review: Homer Simpson’s Little Book of Laziness (Vault of Simpsonology)



Homer Simpson has some of THE BEST one-liners when it comes to laziness so it’s no wonder that Matt Groening would team up with some of his Bongo Comic cohorts in putting together Homer’s best tips in making sure your grain of laziness NEVER goes out of style! From tips on raising kids, to ‘working’, to NOT shooting for husband of the year but instead doing enough JUST to get by, this book is the real deal.

The REAL features for all of this book are all of the little things. Yea, at the end of the day the concept of the book is silly and it’s not exactly a book you would bring on a plane from CA to NYC hoping to pass the time. As a matter of fact, had it not been for all of the extras throughout the book, you could just as easily read it in one standing at Barnes & Noble whilst never having to bristle at the notion of purchasing a $25 hard cover. The REAL reason you may want to buy this book is for the number of awesome things you get inside from a collector’s point of view. From stickers and maps to pages dotted with Post-Its that make you want to read each and every one, Bongo certainly uses what it learned from the Simpsons One Shots and made sure that if their customers are going to pay their hard-earned cash for something they BETTER get their money’s worth in some way, shape, or form.

That said, $25 is $25 and if you aren’t someone who really cares for stickers I don’t think you are going to get a TON of value from the purchase. At the end of the day, everything in this release could be a bunch of Bongo Comic short strips and those go for a bunch less, however for the die-hard Simpsons fan this is a must-have. For everyone else, take the $25 and do what the real lazy man would do…get beer.
