American Dad! Season 11 (or 12 or 13 or 14) gets premiere date and time for TBS


am dad

Set to return to TBS on January 25th on TBS @ 9 pm ET/PT is a brand-new season of American Dad! 

I’d love to tell you what season it is, but it’s different depending on who you ask. TBS says this is Season 11, but then FOX considers its three episode run from last year as Season 11 with the TBS network supposedly premiering Season 12 which would make the next one Season 13. Confused yet? Yea, me too.

Who cares? It’s new American Dad! A show that certainly has been revitalized by its move to a cable network and we are happier for it. One thing I hope we see is the show to continue taking new chances in the upcoming season. You know what else is refreshing? No announcements of guest stars. Remember when this show was on FOX and we used to know all about the guest stars? Not anymore. And to be honest I’d rather be surprised, wouldn’t you?

Check out a new promo below for the upcoming season.