Is the latest release from Dethklok worth the price of admission?? ChefRich tells us in his debut write up for, so check it out after the jump and let us know if you agree or disagree with the score.

It takes a monumental effort from a band or artist to leave me completely speechless the first time I hear their new album. I just listened to Dethalbum III for the 3rd time in a row and my mouth is still agape because good Lord this album fucking RIPS! I was left with so much spare adrenaline that the last time I listened I did so on the treadmill and literally had to exercise off how good this album is.

The album starts with “I Ejaculate Fire,” a double bass driven ode to venereal disease. If ejaculating fire makes me half the guitar player Brendon Small is on this album, I need to get JWOWW on the phone ASAP! The solos are quick and blistering yet there are still moments where Small forgets he’s in one of the most brutal bands on the planet. Like in the intro to “Crush The Industry” he uses a finger picking technique over Gene Hoglan’s simple High Hat rhythm that almost lulls you into a false sense of security, then BANG the double bass kicks in like a machine gun. Small’s incorporation of the keyboard in this song is almost Queen-like. That is to say if Queen played death metal.

Dethklok even made a conscious effort to slow down their break neck pace to include the song “The Galaxy.” Mind you, the song still has its faster parts and double bass, but this the closest we’ll get to seeing Dethklok do a power ballad. The guitar in this song is very airy and light. It’s almost as if Small’s voice dictates where the notes are played. This is, by far, my favorite song on the album.

It’s tough to find many flaws and gripes with this album, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t got one. Small’s vocals aren’t my cup of tea and they never have been as to me they almost sound like a distorted, amplified whisper. But then again, with all the Dethklok albums, the music makes up for any little imperfections or flaws in personal preference.

I implore you to BUY this album. Not torrent it… Not download it… BUY it! And spend the extra couple bucks and get the Deluxe Edition because its got a documentary and some sweet music videos too.

(9.0 out of 10