The final two contestants battle for the $1 million grand prize.

Spoilers Below

Its down to the final two Cameron and Lightning and they go through all the motions that a finale has like getting to talk to their loved ones back at home. Next, they get into the last challenge that features all of the former contestants, 2 interns, Chris, and Chef. Their task? They have to chose from a bunch of junk to put together weapons and armor so that they may do battle. Lightning actually puts together a pretty legit suit out of pretty insane armor covering himself from head to toe. Cam on the other hand looks as though he has nothing but instead he brings a metal suitcase with an Iron Man-esque suit stowed away.

The battle commences and after a while their is no clear winner, so Chris decides to drop every mutated creature from the island into the arena but the plan backfires as the animals just start attacking everyone. Lightning decides to keep fighting but Cameron tries to save everyone from the monsters. However, about half way through Cam’s suit goes off and gives nearby toxic waste tanks the power to magnetize including Lightning’s suit which keeps him incapacitated.  That said Cam’s suit short-circuits and he just falls with Lightning on top of him for the 3-second pin fall.

After the match, Chef and the contestants float away but scumbag Chris tries to blow them all up with a bomb, however the plan backfires as Chef already switched it out with a dummy leaving the real bomb under Chris! The RCMP comes by and tells Chris that the island is theirs and that he is to be kept here for good!

Meh, I mean the problem with this show is that its not really a spoof its an animated reality show if that makes any sense. Drawn Together was more of a spoof, this is more of an homage but with some parody characters which is what I think is the reason why its popular. Problem is,  just about everyone of these characters have been done before MUCH better in other animated series which has me sometimes think of this as a cheap knock off as the show doesn’t nearly pack the punch say a Regular Show or even a series like Mad in terms of comedic output. Who knows?? Maybe next season will be a bit smarter.

(6.0 out of 10)