IGN.com gets stupid again…

IGN.com gets stupid again…

Its really hit or miss with these guys. Lets talk about two things ready? Back in June, IGN.com was saying that they think after 15 seasons , a film that grossed around $84 million, and no signs of slowing down, that South Park should consider ending.  Of course they were later proved wrong when “South Park” signed up through 2013(as noted by my pal, G) showing that writing and subsequent reading of that article was a waste of everyone’s time.

But you know what? I’m a happy guy, and I let bygones be bygones. Ordinarily, I like IGN for its game reviews, but then here I am sitting around at work and I check out this article on IGN asking if “The Simpsons” should end after 23 seasons. Lets do the math, despite a half a billion dollar film, and then despite the fact that they just signed on for two more seasonsm and that one of the higher-ups over at IGN’s affiliate Fox mentioned the possibility of a Simpsons network, it looks as if IGN needs to stick to games.

Look I get it, I’m relatively new in the blog biz and you need to write articles so people can read your shit so that you can show your boss that your a valued member of the team, too. Well, guess what pal, you are not, so do us all a favor and stop posting those shit articles trying to get a gauge on shows cancelling. If people like the show, they watch it, if they don’t like the show, they won’t watch it. But, both South Park and Simpsons are doing awesome in the ratings, so do me a favor,and get me ready for the fucking X-mas season…