The aisles of Daneboe’s market are overrun by pirates and blue blood mega-yachts. Who will win this regatta battle royale?

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The aisles of Daneboe’s market are taken over by jerk  pirates in their blue blood mega-yachts. After getting bombed out of their ship, Orange and his friends crash into a corn cart, where they encounter “He Who Comes During Night Shift”, which turns out to be Nerville, meanwhile Marshmallow has a twisted mind.

The premier of The Annoying Orange has been a long time coming but its showing leaves a lot to be desired. Yes, the fruit are all funny as hell but I think Nerville needs to leave. His character is even more annoying than Orange’s and more often then not he shows up when no one wants him. It actually makes me think of Blue’s Clues whenever he comes about trying to make the show more kid-friendly when the real beauty is the edge this program tip toes around. This is seen with none other than Marshmallow, of whom in this episode comes up with all these random bouts of death and destruction. Having said this, the character seemed awfully too inspired by South Park’s Christmas Critters. Believe me, the complaints are minor as The Annoying Orange definitely brings all the juicy goodness from the popular web series, and as such feels right at home on Cartoon Network’s prime-time lineup.

(7.0 out of 10)