Dan Harmon Explains What He Means About “Fights” In The ‘Rick And Morty’ Writers Room

Should we really be rushing this?

Every three months or so we’re dispelling the rumors of when fake news websites report on premiere dates/times for Rick and Morty Season Three, and when those premieres don’t happen, all these ridiculous theories come out as to why there are delays in the premieres and what not.

This recently came to a head, as we previously reported, when Dan Harmon did an interview with Indiewire at Sundance which causes reports of “fighting” and “inner turmoil” to come as the latest reasons as to why Rick and Morty Season Three hasn’t released yet. Fortunately, Dan was able to clear all of this up with the most sensible of all social media platforms…TWITTER! Here’s what he had to say:


1. Re: confusion/concern about my comments in Indiewire interview re: Rick and Morty. The “fights” I refer to aren’t “the reason 4 delay”

2. The “fights” also aren’t what you call a fight when you have one in your home or street. I’m talking about fights like “what joke to do.”

3. It’s the statements back to back that’s confusing: I was saying “the buck stops with me and justin.” It was our usual perfectionism, etc.

4. Then, I was moving on, in trademark rambling, to try to express how hard and confusing it can be in a RAM writers room. Chasing tails.

5. I understand and we are flattered that in an information vacuum, with the show so late, any morsel of info is going to have huge weight.

6. But the truth is not dramatic. It’s quite boring. We love our show. It’s a weird show that we struggle to not overthink OR underthink.

7. As for now, they’re drawing it. We don’t update on exactly where every episode is in pipeline for two reasons (uh oh sub-enumeration (edit fix)):

8. One is that we want you harassing the bosses as opposed to hard-at-work artists and editors, or writers that finished months ago.

9. The other is that it is out of our jurisdiction to discuss schedule. That’s Adult Swim’s biz. Totally unrelated. Hence the info shortage.

10. So, I’m sorry I can’t say “we fractured a creative valve in sector 3” or “it’s Paul’s fault. GET HIM!” No hidden truth. We slow. Sorry.

11. Part of what I was trying to express is that WE would sit and ponder, what’s the problem here, how can we write faster, why we so slow?

12. And then we’d go “what made us faster in season 1” and then we’d go “we didn’t sit here talking about this, let’s just do this,” etc.

13. I tell you, as a self-destructively honest guy, Justin and I have literally never fought. Season 3 isn’t late because of “fighting.”

14. In fact, ironically, maybe THAT’s the delay cause. We respect and terrify each other and always want the other to be happy.

15. Okay that’s it. Keep telling me to release season 3. It accomplishes nothing, It makes you seem 15 and dumb which is fine. See ya soon!

For all intents and purposes, I’m totally fine waiting for the third season of Rick and Morty. For us, the second season was a creative let-down whence compared to the genius of the show’s first season, so if it takes a little while longer for this one to come to a head, I’m alllll for it.

Shit, if you kids want new Rick and Morty, the studio has plenty to offer. Comics,  the non-canonical adventures, and video games are good ways to kill time between season releases and I’m perfectly content with this. It certainly beats those shitty videos that Adult Swim puts out showing the “development meetings”.

Less we forget, Starburns Industries (the producers of Rick and Morty) has become a MUCH busier studio in the years since the show’s second season finale. New shows, a feature film, opening up a podcast network, there’s a lot going on over in the studio founded by the one and only Konstantinos Stamatopoulos. Patience is a virtue, and maybe if Adult Swim picked up a few more shows to series for 2017, fans wouldn’t be yearning as much now would they?