Review: Triumph’s Bonus Poop

This poop has some good smells.

You would think that with all the time in the world with Hulu, there wouldn’t be a need for bonus footage. Alas, as we near the death of home releases, Triumph’s Bonus Poop is the future of special features/deleted scenes.

In terms of quality, Triumph’s Bonus Poop can be categorized down the middle into two halves: 1) The first 15 minutes aka “How did this end up on the cutting room floor?” and 2) The second 15 minutes aka “Meh”. Truly the first 15 minutes of the Bonus Poop special was excellent, with my favorite highlights being the numerous apps at the RNC or maybe the Goldman Sachs sponsored booth at the DNC. Either way, an extra 30 minutes of Triumph is good enough for me and it should be for you, too.
