RTX Recap: RWBY Vol.4 Panel

Due to how limited the information has been, at the RTX 2016 panel regarding RWBY the fellow people of Tumblr and Reddit managed to do half the work for me in terms of news regarding Volume 4.


For starters in previous articles I made, they’ve confirmed within their panel the release date which can be found clicking here and a separate article announcing Hot Topic merch and which can also be found if you click here.

Now that we got that out of the way, I managed to find a great chunk of info at the time of this post, this is what was gathered from the “Day 2” of RTX 2016 Panel which basically tells everyone the same stuff from “Day-1” where they answer fan questions and share info regarding what to expect but a good chunk of it was edited out to reduce time.

This is info that was shared during the panels on what to expect from volume 4 confirming that it’s a Naruto-style “Time-Skip” so a lot could happen in those…

RWBY news.

Thanks to the efforts of people online, here’s what they’ve gathered from the panel. (Note: this is low quality due to how it was recorded and it’s not officially released by Rooster Teeth themselves and could be removed at anytime so watch it while you still can.)

The RWBY Vol.4 red trailer. (In the tradition of Vol.1, they wanted to make separate trailers focused on each core member of RWBY and to start here’s Ruby Rose.)

Here’s the screen caps of their new looks. (Click the images to enlarge.)

Ruby Weiss Blake Yang

One minor detail fans have pointed out about Yang’s redesign (aside from not having a Robo-limb of any kind yet since Vol. 3 established that advanced robotic limbs exist.) is that the right leg of her pants has a “Bumblebee” patch on it. which is a supposed shipping name for Yang & Blake from the Tumblr Community.


Could it be possible foreshadowing of a Lesbian relationship between the two the same way those rabid fans at Tumblr made Korrasami happen? I guess we’ll have to find out when Vol.4 gets released…

One of the new designs of Grimm is a gorilla monster called a “Harambe”.

Monkey grimm

And finally screen captures of the RWBY Vol.4 trailer (low quality.)





RWBY Volume 4 premieres October 22nd on Roosterteeth.com