The Buck Naked Intro Post

Hello, Bubble City! I’m Green Lynx (like the spider), AKA Dave, and I’m here to cover the duration of the current season of Red vs Blue. This is my first time covering a show like this week to week, so hopefully you’ll bear with me for the time being.

But before I get started, let me tell you about my history with RVB:

I started watching this show back in 2006, shortly before I began Grade 8. My friends, who (unlike me) actually played Halo, wouldn’t stop talking about it, so eventually I caved and watched it too. The idea of a show run by Machinima, that used a video game to play out a story, wasn’t something I had ever imagined, but there it was. I managed to quickly watch the four seasons that existed to be ready for the finale of the Blood Gulch Chronicles, which is what the first five seasons were known as. The show quickly made me feel like I was Falling for the First Time with its unique humor and recognizable characters, even though they only started as recognizable because of the differing armor colors. Two sides fighting over nothing in the middle of a barren box canyon convinced me that it was everything.
When that season ended, I figured that was it for the show. Even though, If I had $1,000,000, I would have paid for a dozen seasons more. Luckily, I found out later that the show was still going on, and managed to catch up yet again for the conclusion of the Recollection Trilogy (Seasons 6-8), where some could say the show was at its peak in both comedy and dramatic tension. The escalation of the freelancer storyline, the introduction of Agent Washington and The Meta, the beginning of CGI fight scenes, and so many irreplaceable moments. Pinch Me, I thought! Things couldn’t get any better!

And in my opinion…I was kinda right. Seasons 9 and 10 definitely had their high points, but Burnie Burns, the series creator, really should’ve waited to leave the director’s chair until AFTER Season 10, because the jump from him to Miles Luna, who directed the latter half, is really glaring. It ended on a strong enough note, but, even though it was meant to commemorate all the seasons before it, the writing felt rather off and there were a number of moments that just felt rehashed. However, despite growing pains bringing it down a bit, I look back on those chapters and can’t help but say,  “Thanks, that was fun!”
Most recently, we were given The Chorus Trilogy (Seasons 11-13), also directed by Luna. Where the previous decade of stories had soldiers in a simulation and then breaking out of it, these three put them in actual combat, which seemed like the logical next step for the show. Or at least it seemed like it would, because the majority of Season 11 just retreated back into two sides fighting over nothing in the middle of a barren box canyon. Frankly, it’s all been done. Not to mention the audience had become acclimated to a CGI brawl fest from the past three seasons always ramping things up, so to have this sudden halt in pacing was rather odd and not very welcome. Seasons 12 and 13 got back to the better aspects, as well as finally putting that “actual combat” idea into action and introducing a string of new side characters fans could latch onto, but I felt like the story was a bit too much to be crammed into that space of time. Time that had been filled by the lagging Season 11 and an arbitrary subplot in Season 13 about a returning minor character from Season 9 could have been cut entirely. In the end, the trilogy concluded on a cliffhanger with the war won, but the battle seemingly lost.
Which brings us to now, the current Season 14. Instead of continuing the narrative, this year’s story will actually be a collection of stories, written and directed by different staff members at RVB’s studio, Rooster Teeth. Burns and Luna will both return, as well as a handful of new writers to this universe, and I’m eager to see what comes from this shift. Is it a Rock Spectacle we’ve been waiting for, or is it Too Little Too Late? You won’t have to wait One Week to hear what I have to say, so look forward to my future reviews! Hopefully, they’re shorter than this intro is.

…by the way, I put a bunch of Barenaked Ladies song titles in here because Ed Robertson, who plays Captain Butch Flowers, in the show, was also in that band. Just wanted to uh…make sure that was clear.

Stay tuned for more!