Review: Dimension W “Chase the Numbers”


It’s abundantly clear that given Kyoma’s experiences, he’s seen much worse than that ‘class-c’ “dimensional collapse” incident where the museum curator was twisted & grotesquely fused with his red coil robots in episode 2.

This episode is a definite character driven one that revolves around Kyoma and Mira as characters instead of what’s going on around them… Well, for the majority of the episode that is. One thing we’re shown is that Mira will be being paid herself for her work with Kyoma instead of Kyoma taking all the money as her ‘caretaker’ which I found nice and out of what I thought it would be. Along with that she gets paid a hefty amount of six million yen to be exact, enough to allow Mira to buy her own trailer outside of Kyoma’s home. This is due to his lack of wanting her to explore his home and let her stay in the corner of the entrance previously.

However we still know very little of Kyoma’s attitude towards coils.

On the lighthearted side of the episode, Mira and the children we’ve seen looking at Kyoma’s garage and in the ending finally meet. While Mira was told to scare them off the property she was engrossed into a conversation with the young girl of the group. I don’t blame her since the only other piece of conversation she gets is from a man who absolutely hates coils and almost refuses to speak to her. This doesn’t mean I dislike Kyoma, I think he has potential to see more than the robot in Mira and can grow.

One instance of this is when Mira saves the children from the pile of cars in the yard do to them messing around with the bottom. She is severely damaged with her head being torn clean off and sent flying into the air while her body was crushed underneath around five to six cars.

This however was not unnoticed by the children who did not reveal her secret of being a cyborg to the police while having Kyoma being let off without even a warning from the station. This is due to the young girl’s grandmother happening to be the COO of New Tesla Energy and is very thankful to Kyoma and Mira for saving her grand- daughter. After a personal meeting with her, we find out a small nickname or title that Kyoma once had in the past- The Beast of Grendel. This is due to his past as a anti-coil weapon specialist but not all is given with why he was called such a thing. A plot point I cannot wait to see unraveled and hopefully done as an episode or two as a backstory for Kyoma instead of a short explanation.

In the conversation between Skyheart & Albert, it seems that Claire Skyheart also had ulterior motives in meeting with Kyouma – she’s interested in him as “the other beast of Grendel,” one of the presumably multiple surviving anti-coil soldiers who fought in some sort of war. It seems that New Tesla intends to use him for something, but we don’t know what yet. For now, Kyoma and Mira seem to be settling into their carefree life of odd jobs. (Hopefully they’ll actually get to this at some point.)

Overall though this episode was pleasant but also had some serious undertones that make us excited for more!
