BUBBLE CAN Review: Knuckleheads “The Legend of Badluck Bill”


Knuckleheads returned last night with its second episode! The pilot episode which premiered last week was a success in my books, so much so that I watched it a few more times over the week after reviewing it. The writing, the animation style that allows the characters to emote with ultra-realism, it was such a fun watch. So I was really anticipating how they would follow up that first episode and did it deliver? Well, you’ll need to read on to find out!

In this second episode of Knuckleheads, Gabriel, Samuel, and their friends search for mine for a gold nugget while at scout camp.

This episode was just as enjoyable as the last. The cruel and demoralizing comedy we got in the first episode returned with full force in the form of four children who just won’t cooperate with authority. Their bus driver? Severely bullied him. Camp counselor? Bullied him even more. The writing doesn’t pull any punches and every cruel joke comes across authentic, especially taking into account the timing of said jokes.

Another enjoyable thing about the episode is that it was almost an entirely new cast of characters. The buddy-cop duo from last week returned to solve the case of the week, but besides that, all-new characters with distinct personalities. The story also felt like something new. The search for gold is nothing new for television, but its the subject matter that I don’t think has been touched by anybody in quite some time. There is a fun action sequence with a minecart towards the end of the episode and the whole story just ties together neatly.

The one drawback of the episode was probably a couple of scenes involving two bears. They were funny and all, but they didn’t add much else to the narrative of the episode. They just sidetracked everything. They sort of come full circle, but I can’t help but feel they were forced in.

Besides that, it was another really great episode. All of the positives of last week’s episode certainly carry over into this one. I’ll probably watch this a few more times before deleting it off of my DVR. If you aren’t watching Knuckleheads yet, I beg you to jump on board because I know you won’t regret it!