Review: Fugget About It “Royal Canadian Groping Pariah”


Spoilers Below

Theresa gets into an accident probably from drinking,  but McCool lets her go with a warning. Embarrassed, Theresa is trying to hide her recent troubles from her parents, but McCool wants her to come clean. Cookie overhears a conversation between the two, and naturally thinks that the two are having a tryst.  Cookie grounds Theresa and when Jimmy learns of photographic evidence, he wants to put a hit out on McCool. Cookie actually goes to the papers and costs McCool his job temporarily.

McCool heads over to Jimmy and comes clean about Theresa’s accident, but the former mob boss doesn’t believe him and seeks revenge. Soon, Theresa comes clean and Jimmy helps McCool get his job back. When Jimmy tries to let McCool of the good news, the officer flips out which leads the two to settle things with a fight.

Meanwhile, someone steals Petey’s idea at school, so he wants to get the perpetrator by teaming up with Gina to go after the fucker that ripped him off at the science fair. The two end up shooting a robot., and two more show up to take the body away. The siblings follow the robots into a lair where there’s a bunch of bots looking to destroy Petey and Gina. They decide to call Jimmy and McCool whom show up and beat the shit out of all of the robots instead of each other.

Our Take

2016 is young, but Fugget About It is in a good lead for best international animated series of the year. The season started a bit slow, but really finished on a high point with the finale. While not as hilarious as Episode 9, Fugget About It has some excellent ideas and produces them beautifully. The premise of taking a true sci-fi element and putting it with a mob canvas, is risky, but it works here.