Review: Fugget About It “New York State of Blind Drunk”



Fugget About It follows the life of former mob boss, Jimmy Falcone. When Jimmy finds out that the mob wants to whack his Uncle Cheech, Jimmy whacks his boss and prosecutes against members of his mob. Now Jimmy Falcone lives by a new name, Jimmy MacDougal. He along with his family have been placed in witness protection. Their new home? Regina, Saskatchewan.

With a new year comes new episodes of your favorite TV shows! Last night, Fugget About It continued it’s third season with “New York State of Blind Drunk”. In the episode the guys get a little too drunk and wake up in Jimmy’s old house in New York. Plans to escape are foiled by the mob. Meanwhile, Petey finds a picture of Cookie with a man who looks strikingly similar to himself.

This was a great episode. Taking a note from a few episodes when the family went to Cuba, this episode sees Jimmy, Cheech, and McCool suddenly wake up in the hornet’s nest. A change of scenery is good for any show every once in a while. Seeing what an Italian-American mob family would be like in Canada is funny for most episodes, but flipping the script and taking Canada (McCool) to New York opens the door for interactions we may have not expected. Much like the episode in Cuba, this one played very close to home (pun sort of intended). It was a reminder of what this show is and why the guys have to live in Canada. We’ve seen a lot of shows with a simple premise that go on and eventually go far, but lose sight of where they began. Fugget About It does not do this. They’re always flirting with the premise, perhaps letting the audience think for a moment that there will be a resolution to this all.

Petey’s story was also well done. Whenever you have a character in the family who is unlike the others, theories of adoption are never far behind. While Petey definitely isn’t adopted, the identity of who is true father is comes into question. It was a fun and engaging story because the clues being brought forward made sense. Ultimately, we learn that the man in the picture is actually Cookie’s brother, and that makes equal sense. It shows Petey was misguided, but not completely off his mark. He did have a connection to this man, it just wasn’t the connection that he thought.

A shortcoming of the episode are Jimmy and Cheech in New York basically being hidden in costumes the entire time. Sure, they’re supposed to be hiding from the mob, but being exposed and the mob knowing of their presence in New York could have made from some fun tension in the episode. It was sort of like being at the aquarium next to the shark tank. The danger is right in front of you, but you know you’re safe.  But as much as the disguises took away from the episode, the Horse Show was pretty funny, I must admit that.  As far as negatives go, that’s really it. The rest of the episode was spot on.

Overall, this was a great episode. A lot of great laughs, a change of scenery, a revitalized feeling of danger for Jimmy and his family. It’s really all there. The show is best when the characters are being challenged, and his episode has them challenged. It gave them the opportunity to fire on all cylinders.


How did you like New York State of Blind Drunk? Like it? Not so much? Be sure to share your thoughts!

Fugget About It is on every Friday night at 9:00 PM EST on Adult Swim Canada!