It Looks Like Weird Al is going to be a guest star on Mr. Pickles


Mr. Pickles Season Two is in midst of its production cycle for Adult Swim, and just now we’re starting to get some kick ass news coming out of the socials. The other day, show producer Mike Manfield retweeted this gram featuring the one and only Weird Al in a recording booth with more familiar faces from the Mr. Pickles crew…

Season One of the Adult Swim series featured a good list of guest stars as it aired last year including Tracy Morgan, Amy Sedaris, and a slew of others, so it looks like Season Two is getting a heaping helping of guest stars as well. In any case, I am very much looking forward to Mr. Pickles Season Two, and hope to hear a premiere date soon because I miss all of the angry emails I used to get from Right-Wing Christian nut jobs telling me that me writing about this show is going to send me straight to hell.

At least it’d be warm….