‘TALLICA PARKING LOT is now available for FREE Digital Download


I wanna say a year or two ago, the Titmouse panel at New York Comic Con showcased this animated short produced by Robert Trujillo called ‘Tallica Parking Lot and it was by FAR the best in show of the entire weekend. It was said to be coming out on a Metallica DVD, but that never happened and as time went on I thought I may NEVER see it again.

Fortunately, I was wrong! Because if you go on the redesigned Metallica website, you can download for FREE the Tallica Parking Lot animated short that features cameos from South Park, Metalocalypse, Beavis and Butthead, and more! Seriously, you shouldn’t miss out on it, so go get it now. Also, go ahead and have some green light ten episodes of this. Thanks.