A bunch of dudes got together that work on Family Guy to make a book featuring the “Greatest Hits” for Alec Sulkin’s tweets…it kinda works!

I used to work in one of those big office buildings near NYC and it was the worst job ever. To help bide our time my friends and I would bring in random shit to entertain ourselves to try and get through the unadulterated grind that is the Monday thru Friday 9-5p work schedule. Everybody had their own shit in their little cubicles, you kinda knew where to go to get snacks, you knew who to ask for funny websites, I would be the loud guy of the group, and fellow Bubbleblabber scribe Chris G. used to sit next to me with a David Letterman’s Top 10 book and read off random nuggets of goodness to help start off our morning. Being none too dissimilar to maybe a Dilbert cartoon or one of those desk calendars with quotes of the day Robots Feel Nothing When They Hold Hands give you the tools to help you get through your shitty office day job.

The concept is simple, Alec Sulkin (aka “Fuckin’ asshole” according to Seth MacFarlane’s eloquent foreword) is a hilarious dude to follow on Twitter. As a matter of fact, after I signed up(@bubbleblabber) he was one of the first guys I followed after getting #FF from Seth. Since then I have followed a bunch of really great Twitter handles like the legendary @robdelaney, @sarahsilverman, and others  all of whom give me ample laughs. But, Alec’s tweets have always rightfully crossed lines and what better way to convey them then to put ’em in a book and have a couple of illustrators from Family Guy (Joe Vaux and Dominic Bianchi) give visual interpretations of what’s probably going on in Sulkin’s crazy head when he writes them.

You could avoid this book and just go ahead and follow (@thesulk) and I’m sure you could(maybe) press the “Previous Tweets” button 10,000 times and get all the tweets that are in this book OR you could go on and spend $10 quick bucks and just save yourself the trouble. One could also be pissed that guys like Alec get to put out a book of his own tweets and make money, or the fact that Rob Delaney is playing sold out shows across the country known mostly for his awesome one-liners(trust me no one gives a fuck that he writes for Ridiculousness) but then again you could be just a jealous fucker that wishes that you thought of this idea yourself.

(8.0 out of 10)

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