Review: Steven Universe “Too Far”


Spoilers Below

At the core of this week’s episode is a simple value…don’t say mean things. Peridot insults Amethyst, though to be honest I don’t think Amethyst was exactly an innocent party here. She spends the first half episode of the episode insulting both Steven and Peridot, then she gets all in a hissy fit when it’s thrown back at her. So if nothing else this episode serves a few warnings:

  1. Don’t say mean things
  2. If you do say mean things, you better be able to take the heat in return
  3. If your feelings are hurt, display to the person insulting you that the insults are doing just that.

Just be nice, kiddos. Nice like Steven.

Our Take

Truth be told, we need more cartoons with good morals. We don’t get a lot of these types of episodes nowadays, but it’s a total bonus that the series borrows a lot of the sensibilities from some of the top anime examples of the world including Naruto and Dragon Ball Z (I guarantee that’s an Ian J-G influence), but the fact that a modern animated series showcases the concept of an anti-bullying message in a universe like this is rather impressive.
