National Lampoon animated comedy coming to FOX?


The president of National Lampoon (aka the comedy house behind such classic movie franchises as Vacation and Animal House)  Alan Donnas has announced in an exclusive interview with T-Lounge this:

“Everybody in Hollywood and in this business, is waiting for somebody else to take a gamble with you. I can tell you, even though there hasn’t been a public announcement, there’s a signed contract with 20th Century Fox TV for an animated National Lampoon college show. I can’t tell you the writer’s names, but I can tell you he’s one of the biggest writers in animation. 20th Century Fox TV, if you check and see what animated shows they do, they’re among the very best if not the best in animation. It took months and months to put it together, but 20th Century Fox is willing to take a gamble on us [and it] is huge for us,” Donnes said.

This isn’t the first-time that FOX has toiled with the idea of an animated comedy with a college setting, but with a National Lampoon tag on it, whatever concept it is will certainly turn some heads both at FOX and with fans abroad.

As much as I would love to see this show happen, I don’t think FOX is going to pop. FOX rarely ventures out into unknown territory and are usually comfortable at looking at shows surrounding a family of some sort. Then they pick  up the shows and don’t really advertise them until they win an Emmy. 

[h/t: College Times]