Episode Synopsis: Bob mistakenly kisses Linda’s sister Gayle while under the influence of medication administered during a dental appointment. Original Air Date: Apr 29, 2012

Guest Cast Megan Mullally: Gayle


Spoilers Below

Wait a tick…I knew that Megan Mullally was returning in this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers but I hadn’t a clue that Ken Jeong was in this episode as Dr. Yap! No one said a thing! Not Tvguide, not FOX, nothing on Twitter, nowhere did it say that the Community star would be a guest star. So imagine my surprise at the end credits and I’m like, wow! Of course when I went back to watch ‘Dr. Yap’ again it was obvious but it totally flew over my head the first time around. I guess that’s the beauty o Bob’s Burgers. The guest stars don’t usually stand out from the crowd like a Steve Coogan would on The Simpsons rather the writers are able to make the guest stars feel apart of the Bob’s universe.

That’s not the only thing that makes Bob’s Burgers different. You see the plot of this week’s story revolved around Gayle kissing a drug-induced Bob which follows with 20 more minutes of Gayle trying to hook up with Bob. Here’s the twist, Bob came RIGHT out and told Linda from the start, and she was ALL FOR IT! That’s right! Linda wanted Bob to hook up with Gayle in hopes that Gayle would peel off with another dude like Dr. Yap! Every other show in America would might have the setup with the husband avoiding having to tell his wife that he kinda cheated on her, but nope not in Bobby’s world(see what I did there?) those rules don’t apply.

Meanwhile, the kids spend the entire episode arguing over a jawbreaker and like typical kids they could care less if that jawbreaker has been in someone else’s mouth, ear, belly button, whatever. As a matter of fact, the piece of candy is SO coveted that Gene and Louise spend the entire episode coming up with different contests with the winner laying claim to the delicious treat.

Since when was Tina the wild card? Not only does she act as a judge in the while jawbreaker contest, but as it turns out she’s gotta thing for Dr. Yap, and throughout the night would repeatedly try and interrupt Dr. Yap’s persuasion of Gayle. Of course, she’s unsuccessful, but the real prize there was all the fact that she was able to effortlessly move between plot A and B without feeling like an interruption. You would think with all these moving parts, it would be tough to keep up, but this week’s episode of Bob’s Burgers was able to keep up beautifully and better yet, may seriously start giving its FOX Anidom cousins a run for its money.