English Dub Review: Yurikuma Arashi “The Girl That I Forgot”


So, it may have taken seven episodes, but Kureha finally remembers everything. Unlike Moroha from World Break, I think she actually means it this time. I find it funny, how Yurikima Arashi can go from having zero plot and recycling a lot of the animations, to actually having a plot, and dialing back the overly aggressive lesbian tone that the early episodes had. I’m still confused by a lot of what’s going on, but I think that’s kind of to be expected. Yurikuma Arashi dumped a literal shit ton of plot on us out of nowhere. The last three episodes had more plot than the first four, so there is a lot to take in at once.

That said, you can tell that everything is moving towards the end game for the season. I’m not going to say that I love Yurikuma Arashi, but I will say that things are finally getting interesting. You can’t really say that things have been good, because the first four episodes really hindered everything. That said, the writers definitely are trying to play catch up, and so far, they’re doing a decent job.There is only so much that you can put into an episode before it’s literally too much.

There was a lot to take in, and it involved Kaoru getting killed by a bear, Kureha actually remembering everything about her and Ginko, and someone sending a letter saying that they know what Ginko did. She did say she was a criminal bear, and it looks like we’re getting some closure to that plot thread. What is the the deal with the headmistress? They keep going back to her when there isn’t really a necessity to see her, and I just keep thinking there is going to be something big going on with her, along with the Invisible Storm. Now with Kaoru dead, what is going on with that now?

Anyway, “The Girl That I Forgot” is definitely a plot catch up episode. Normally, when I say “Get a notebook, you’re going to need it,” it’s a bad thing. But since the writers have so much to catch up on with all of the back story, current story, and make everything come together before the end of the season, taking notes doesn’t seem like a terrible option.